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Clouded Leopards

  The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosi) is a beautiful medium sized feline known for its distinctive cloud like pelage pattern.   This leopard is one of the most elusive felines and has rarely been observed in the wild and because of this most of the clouded leopard’s natural history is unknown.   Most of the ecological information that has been collected on this animal comes from anecdotes, status reports and the observations of their captive counterparts. The Clouded leopard population is threatened by habitat loss as well as illegal poaching for traditional Chinese medicine and the poaching of their prey.   Understanding the natural history and the ecological requirements of these felids is important for the application of effective management and conservation approaches to help their populations (2). Photo Credit                  Clouded leopards are distributed throughout an extensive area of southern Asia in places such as Bhutan, India, Nepal, Burma, Cambodia, sou

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