Big Cats

I have created this blog to express my opinion about the decline of Big Cat populations. This is a subject dear to my heat and I hope this information will increase awareness of what is happening to these magnificent animals and the role man is playing in their demise.
Big Cat populations have decreased significantly over the years and are declining at an alarming speed. In the early 1900's there were over 100,000 Cheetahs in the wild and today there are only 10,000 remaining. Only 22,000 Lions are left compared to the the many thousands more that once roamed the wilds. 3 recognized subspecies of Tigers are already extinct, with only 6 remaining subspecies, consisting of only 3,200 Tigers in the wild today. These are only a few of the Big Cat populations that are are in danger. 80% of the world's large feline population is in trouble and nearly all are experiencing population declines. However, some are in more immediate danger of extinction than others.
Big cats are being poached across the world, mainly for their pelts and for their sellable body parts. This practice is a large cause of the population decline but deforestation is by far the biggest contributor. Big cats are being pushed further and further towards extinction because man keeps taking their habitat. Additional causes for their decline is Poisoning, Pesticides and Illegal Trade. Some adult cats are shot and killed so that their young can be collected and sold for a high price.
These beautiful cats are being treated cruelly and inhumanly and very little is being done about it. Sure there are laws, violation codes and fines that are designed to prevent the loss of these magnificent creatures. However, it is only a drop in the bucket if we are to turn the tide and prevent extinction. Rules and regulations work only if they are enforced. Now is the time to act and to take a stand against the actions that are destroying the Big Cats. We have procrastinated to the point of no return and they will be lost forever if we do not act now. Our children and grandchildren deserve to see these beautiful animals. We should also remember that these wonderful cats in their habitat were here first.
Please help and do your part to save these cats, whether its a donation or simply spreading the word that they need help every little bit helps.

Thank You


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